19 September 2017

Productivity VS Procrastination


Just a quick post from me today but I wanted to talk about how I beat procrastination. I work from home so my everyday work environment isn't you're typical office environment and one thing I’ve learnt about myself while working at home is that I can be quite the procrastinator when I want to be. I find it so strange though because I never use to be a procrastinator when I was younger, so I wonder what’s changed? Whatever it is, I don’t like this procrastination thing and here’s how I learnt to kick it in the butt. 

Dedicated Work Space
A lot of you know that I work from home and working from the lounge suite, although great sometimes, wasn’t ideal nor was it a permanent solution. I’ve now turned my spare room into my office. My office is where everything work related gets done and it’s so lovely to just have a space where I know I need to bd focused and get things done. Having a tidy work space also does wonders for my procrastination, because lets be honest, organising all my notebooks just doesn’t really cut it as work. 

Regular Breaks
I never use to take breaks, I’d just work right through until the end of the day. Even if I took a lunch break, I’d normally still be on my laptop or phone checking my emails. It such a bad habit to get in to. Taking regular breaks is so helpful, it allows you to refuel your mind and body. Taking regular breaks means that I’m so much more productive throughout the day, compared to when I wasn’t taking breaks. 


You all know how much of a planner I am, and trust me, nothing changed. Of course, do what works for you but writing lists is always helpful but also having a place where you can keep appointments and meeting times. I use both a digital and a written planner to keep myself on track. To be productive it’s important to know what needs to be done and by when but also where you need to be yourself, and when. 

These are just my top three tips and maybe you have some tips of your own. Share them in the comments below to start up a conversation. 

B x

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