12 April 2018

Checking In With Yourself | Quarter One

Instead of abandoning all hope of you original intention for the year, take this opportunity to do a first quarter check-in. I would imagine that this type of check-in would be good for businesses to make sure they’re taking the right steps to reach goals and targets, so why not adapt it towards your personal goals as well? 

January 1st serves as a symbolised gesture of promise as many of us set out to improve habits, achieve new goals and manifest out fullest potential in the hopes of the ‘best year ever’. As January fizzles into February and becomes the two slowest months of the year, it’s easy for many of us to let our best intentions get thrown out the window. That is, for me at least, until March comes around. March is a pivotal point in every new year. We finally shed any unrealistic expectations and we then have the opportunity to check back with our intentions while having experienced enough of the New Year to get a better sense of our purpose and direction. 

So, take this opportunity to do a first quarter check-in. It’s crucial for businesses to ensure they’re on track to meet their goals, this same practice can be easily adapted to your personal goals as well. Here are three questions to ask yourself as part of you first quarter check-in. 

Am I Happy? 
It seems like the right place to start, right? But identifying whether your happy or not can be daunting. Some of us seem to find a false sense of happy when we feel like we’re only of service to others. Like your relationship with your boss or making sure your friends and family always have support. But what about you? Are you happy? Asking yourself this will show you your truth pretty quickly. Your gut reaction to that question is the most important thing to figure out during this self check-in because at the end of the day, that’s the key to an abundant life. Once you’re happy, you get to discover the real contributions you can make towards your community, friends and family each and every day. That itself will help shape abundance and light into your daily life. 

Is Anything Holding Me Back? 
Roadblocks are super common when it comes to trying something new. But, they can actually help in more ways than you first thought. They serve as a tool of growth, an opportunity to declutter and an opportunity to prioritise. A good declutter of your physical and mental space allows us to feel free of the excess. The excess can often lead to chaos and the lack of ability to simplify a solution which could ultimately help with overall clarity. A declutter can also be good our emotional well-being. By determining the root issue of why we simply cannot follow through with something can then help us determine what it is when need to do first get the ball rolling. Prioritising is important because it allows us to know where we stand with our goals and which ones are the most important to us. Don’t stress if the goals you set yourself in January now need to be changed. Perhaps your goals wasn’t aligned with your true purpose or you’ve got some inner self to discover and complete before you can achieve specific goals. Either way, determining this will help your self check-in in more ways than one and is vital for overall betterment. 

Do I Have Space For What I Want? 
This one is really important because, as obvious as it is to have space in your life for something, we live in a modern world where we’re constantly busy and constantly connected with those all around us in various ways. Space can come in several different forms, whether that be physical room, mental clarity or the time to commit. You might have a goal to workout everyday but you have no where to do it, work has your brain capped and your schedule is already packed then it’s not wonder you can’t achieve it. It’s important to set goals that work with the space you currently have available and to not shame yourself if it’s not quite aligned yet. I’m a very visual person so checklists always come in handy when compiling everything I need to do to get to my end goal. Start small and find your rhythm. For example, go for a 5 minute walk during your lunch break and gradually add to it as you feel ready. The movement will then create the when, where and how of the goal. Once you start, you will soon find new and creative ways to keep up with your goals because your proving to yourself that it’s possible. 

Regardless of where you were in January with your goals, it’s never to late to check-in and reassess where you’re at and where you’re heading. What really matters is that you don’t lose sight go yourself. No one can redirect you better than you can. 

B x 

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