30 March 2015


Bath time is you time and it's important you make the most of the time! It's important that your you time is as relaxing as possibly! 

                                                              Picture: pinterest.com
1. Essentials: A bath bomb, candles, a cup of tea or coffee, magazines and any essentials oils you like to add to your bath! 

2. Scented Oils and Bath Bombs: Not going to lie, my favourite kind of bath bombs are from Lush! The scents are amazing, they are so relaxing and soothing!

3. Cellphone: Turn off all your devices or don't take them into the bathroom with you, grab a magazine with you instead! Soical media can add to stress and when you're in the bath you want to be relaxing. 

4. Lights, Water & Temperature: This is personal preference but I think to have a lights off with candles going, idealy would want the water hot but not to hot and you want to the bathroom to be warm when you get out of the bath as well but I don't know about you after a while I like to open the windows in the bathroom to let some fresh air in and I like the idea of this because the fresh air will wake you up a little more too. 

5. Music: If you're going to be listening to music in the bath you want something calming and classical, something that will help turn off all those busy thoughts going on inside your head at that time of night. 

6. Snacks: I always like to take a cup of tea with me into the bath, a hot drink is so soothing and nice and warm inside of the body! 

7. Facemasks: Facemasks are great for the ultimate baths, chuck your hair in a messy bun and put a face mask on before you get into the bath! By the time you're ready to get out of the bath your mask would have done it's magic! 

8. Enjoy: Enjoy your relaxing time in the bath! It's important you take this time to rewind from the day, reflect on your day and ask yourself what you can do to make tomorrow a better day than today?

9. Bathrobes: You're going to want a nice fluffy warm bathrobe for when you get out of the bath! Something you can suggle into to keep nice and warm! 

10. Afterwards: Afterwards, moisturise, put deordant on, finish my skincare, I ususally will then turn a YouTube video on and drink more tea and just get ready for bed! 

I hope this has incouraged some of you to take more time to yourself, it'd definitley important! 

Thankyou all so much for reading and supporting my blog! 
Love to you all xxx

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