4 June 2015


It's okay to have a bad week. This week was my bad week, it wasn't to flash and with that, I thought I todays blog post would be a inspirational poem I always refer back to whether I'm having a bad day, week, month. This poem is written by Meghan Reinks and I'll link the YouTube video that goes along with it here, if you're interested!

Bravery - Meghan Reinks

I have been told that I dream to greatly,
That my mind dwell in a fantasy rivaling even the most prestigious novelists,
In pre-school I use to conger up these intricate fables,
Sit down my class mates in their pigtails and velcro shoes,
And tell them of my Thursday's spent in castles,
My Saturday's spent breeding dragons,
And my Monday's back in time for recess and otter pops,
"You've got your hands full with that one" they use to say,
As if my lack of there limitations was crippling,
I have no concept of failure,
I never have.
A four year old Meghan would have told you that same thing I do today,
"I'm going to be an actress"
Not an ounce of uncertainty to my voice,
No possibly, or if, or lukewarm maybe,
The world 'if' is toxic,
I never let it slip through my tongue because I set my own limitations,
And if I tell myself 'if' then I'm crumbling to the possibility that I don't have what it takes,
That I'm doubting my very self,
But we're taught on the knees of kindergarten teachers that the sky was the limit for Jack and the Bean Stalk,
So why should it be mine?
They tell us that if our dreams don't scare us then they aren't big enough,
But sometimes at the age of 16 the only thing you dream of is getting through the day,
Getting asked to prom or passing AP bio,
Because bravery isn't saved just for knights and shinning armor or solos in school plays,
It's raising your hand in English class because you actually enjoyed Catcher in the Rye,
It's trying out for cheerleading despite never done a cartwheel,
And eating your lunch alone because you're worth more than toxic friendships,
These acts of bravery do not have to move mountains or accent seas,
They do not set of off on a running at the sound of a gun,
They can start small,
Step by step, moment by moment,
I believe in ordinary acts of bravery,
Overflowing my 1,440 minutes in simple acts of fearlessness,
So no matter how big or small,
I dare you to be fearless,
To be brave,
So fall in love and get your heart broken,
Learn French and fail miserably,
Laugh, sing, cry, scream, dance, run, write, climb, lean, build, give and dream,
And then, start all over again.
Do 'it',
Whatever your 'it' might be,
When I was 16 my 'it' was YouTube,
And at midnight 3 June's ago,
I went from being another teenage girl with an idea and a dream,
To a 20 year old living reality that rivals made for TV movies,
And if I were to tell my teenage midnight self,
That that particular instance of sheer bravery would change the rest of my life,
Well, I would've done it a lot sooner.

This poem always helps me push on and continue with the bad that's going on in my life, that it won't last forever, it's temporary.


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