1 December 2020

Here's A Little Update | Time Off & A Hospital Visit

It has been four months since I last posted here on my website and to be completely honest with you, I've missed it. I decided to take a small break because life was proving to be a little hectic to say the least and something had to give. To pause uploading was always going to be tough because my love for creating was always still there but I knew I'd be back one day. 

In terms of the update part of this post, everything has been reasonably good! My job is great and I love celebrating this time of the year with the kids. University has finished up for the year and I'm really excited for next years adventures. Unfortunately I was unable to do my end of year placement as a found myself in hospital for 10 days with what they call 'Cat Scratch Disease'. You all know, if not you do now, how much I adore my fur babies so it was a bit of a shock that I had become so incredibly sick because of one of them. Essentially, I had a parasite living in my body which is known to be found in felines and it caused a fair bit of damage. However, I'm on the mend now, slowly but surely.

There will be some changes to the website now that I'm back. Rather than uploading three times a week, I'm going to be uploading twice a week - on a Tuesday and Thursday at the original time of 630PM NZST. I'll also be looking into changing up the format/design of my website in the New Year so keep your eyes peeled for that.

I'm so ready for 2020 to be over, how I imagine most of us feel, and I'm excited and a little nervous to see what 2021 has install for us. I'm currently in the process of setting goals and intentions for 2021 which I can share with you at a later date. I'm excited to be back and I'm looking forward to seeing what the future has install for all of us!

B x 

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