There is no better way to understand the way you think and what's going through your head than to journal. The problem I've found is that the act of journaling is so open-ended that when it is most beneficial to me to do it, I avoid it.
If this is one of the roadblocks you face when it comes to journaling, this post is here to help you. Taking the guesswork of journaling can help you effectively journal without the impending paralysis that sometimes results from an open-ended prompt. Prompts are the only way you can tackle journaling of course, I love the morning pages approach which is subconscious, nonlinear writing but journaling prompts are a really good way to start out.
Journal Prompts For Self-Discovery
What do I know to be true that I didn't know a year ago?
What distractions get in the way of being my post productive?
When do I feel most in tune with myself?
If someone described me, what would they say?
What can wait until next week?
How does every part of my body feel in this moment?
Journaling Prompts For Managing Emotions
What emotions am I holding on to?
How can I detach or neutralise this emotion?
Why am I doing X?
Why am I feeling this way?
What is causing these feelings?
Have I tried to take my ego out of the situation?
How how I detach my emotions from the behaviour of others?
Did I use healthy boundaries before I began feeling this way?
Journaling Prompts For Anxiety & Depression
What hurts right now? How can I find relief?
When I look in the mirror, what do I see?
What are the things in my home that are the most 'me'?
What am I doing right now?
What happened before I felt a shift in my mood?
Write down an entire list of what you are worried about. Star the items that you know are 100% true and not solely a feeling.
These are just a few of the prompts I like using when I feel that I need some time to get out of my head but there are so many more create ones online, Pinterest is a great place to begin looking! Now grab a notebook, some tea or maybe a gin and tonic and let the words fly!
B x