1 September 2019

September Master Task List

Happy September! Spring is finally upon us & I'm so excited for the warmer weather. I haven't got too many wild plans for this month but there are a few things I'd like to get done.

More Reading 
I've put the books down recently but I'd like to get back into reading on a daily basis. Reading is something I do when taking some time for myself. I did start reading 'Small Great Things' by Jodi Picoult so I think I'l start back with finishing that & we'll see where we go from there. Hopefully I can get some more books ticked off my list!

Get Back Into Masking
Face & hair masks are at the top of my priority list when it comes to skin & hair care routines. Dehydration & congestion is one of my biggest issues when it comes to my skin. There are a few different masks which I mentioned in a post, linked here, that make a huge difference with both dehydration & congestion. I really need to get back onto the bandwagon when it comes to using them. With my hair which is really just a curly, frizzy mess most of the time, I find when it becomes dehydrated it becomes less manageable & never left with a defined curl. Hair masks are my favourite way to keep my hair hydrated & in really good condition. I cannot wait to see the result, both in my skin & hair by the end of the month.

2019 Editorial Calendar
By the end of September I'd like to have a rough idea about the posts I'm looking at writing for the next three months. This will give me a good opportunity to get ahead with the writing & photography side of things but also start planning for some exciting things in 2020.

2020 Goal Setting 
I know it's a little early but I'd like to start putting together some ideas of what I'd like to achieve in 2020. It might take a wee while but it's one of those activities I think I'll really enjoy doing.

Apply For Uni 
This is a big one & one that I'm so excited for. The application process is a long one so my goal is to start getting the ball rolling as early as possible & make sure I have everything I need. I'll keep you updated!

What are your plans for September?

B x

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