29 October 2019

How To Appreciate The Present Moment

The present moment is all you're ever promised. Don't postpone happiness for a time that might never come. These articles have helped we realise the importances of living in the present moment & how I can go about learn to appreciate those moments more.

The Moment You've Been Waiting For: Zen Habits 
"Our lives are spent building up to more important moments. Moment when we'll be happy. But when those moments come, we're not happier, in fact, we're already looking ahead to our next big moments. An up-coming project, a trip away, meeting up with friends, getting that great thing you ordered online, finding your next favourite book, meal drink, experience. What if that wonderful moment we've been waiting for is this one, right now? What if this very moment is the one, the most important moment of our lives? What if we stopped working for something later & instead started paying full attention to right now? What if we stopped thinking happiness is coming soon & tried to see what was in front of us & find happiness in that? What if this were the moment we've been waiting for all along?"

Appreciate Each Moment: The Huffington Post 
"One of the ultimate objectives of attaining inner peace is learning to live happily in the moment. Keep in mind that life is a continuous succession of present moments Most of us spend a great deal of our present moments regretting the past, worrying about the future, which creates restlessness with the here & now. A whole lot of precious time is wasted.

To a large degree, the measure of our peace of mind is determined by how much we are able to live in the present moment."

6 Tips To Being Happy In The Present Moment: Pick The Brain 
"We all want to be happy. But we have preconceived notions or beliefs about what needs to happen in our lives, before we can be happy. Maybe we need to get that dream job or we need to have a million dollars in the bank. Or maybe we need to have the body of our dreams.

The list goes on. Yes, these things may indeed make us happy. Or then again they may not.

When we set goals, we also have the tendency, once we're achieved them, to replace them with new goals. So you may find that you still don't feel happy after you've achieved that big goal because you've just replaced it with an even bigger goal that you now need to achieve to be 'truly happy'.

By doing this, we stack the odds against ourselves. And if we play this game in order to find our happiness, then there's a good chance that we'll spending the rest of our lives chasing down the dreams that may 'one day' make us happy.

What if I told you that you don't need any of those things in order to be happy in your life & that you can be happy today? The key to happiness is learning how to be happy right now, while you work on achieving your goals, instead of waiting until you've achieved those goals to be happy. Here are 6 easy steps you can start applying today."

How do you prefer to appreciate the present moment?

B x

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