2 April 2020

Together, We're All In This Together

Hello you lovely bunch of humans & welcome back!  What a strange & unsettling time this is. Coronavirus has swept the rug right out from under all of us & in the midst of all of this uncertainty, I wanted to try & keep a little normality going.

I took a little break from sharing bit & pieces on my website due to being extremely busy & trying to find my groove with life & new routines. But what better time to get back to some 'normality' than when you're in a lockdown for 4+ weeks.

I want to take this opportunity to share with you what I'm doing to get through these uncertain times & hopefully add some light relief to what's going on in the world right now. The biggest thing for me is that we're not alone in this! We have each other & the more we can support each other, the easier these times are going to become.

However, you're feeling about what's going on, it's totally fine. Keeping safe is key but when a pandemic hits & literally the entire world isn't sure what to do, it's okay to scared. Do what you need to do to make yourself feel calmer.

I'm aware that not everybody is not in a full national lockdown as we are in New Zealand & if you're not in lockdown, most of you will be practicing self-isolation. So, saying no is more than okay too. Don't feel guilty or worry that people will judge you if you'd rather stay than go out & see anyone. And if you don't want to go out & about, that isn't an issue. It doesn't make you 'silly' or 'rude', just do whatever feels right for you & know that it's going to be the right decision.

Looking after yourself & those around you is so important in such unprecedented times. Together, we can try & make each day a little brighter.

I'm sending you so much love & well wishes. Please stay safe & if you feel like popping back here, I'll be back posting as normal!

B x

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