12 January 2021

Over New Year's Resolutions? Try These Small Goals With Me


I don't know about you but I'm not a huge fan of New Year's resolutions. I feel like at this time of the year it's so easy to set unrealistic goals & to set yourself up for failure. Been there, done that. I've been thinking about setting smaller, more realistic goals at the beginning of each year. 

Rather than putting a ton of pressure on yourself to meet a long list of New Year's resolutions that may or may not be attainable, consider setting smaller goals for a healthier New Year. These aren't going to be ground breaking goals & may not seem like much, but I know over time, they'll have a really positive impact in my life. 

Drink Lots Of Water 
The human body can't function without water, so staying hydrated is one of the most essential ways to take care of your health. Dehydration can also make you tired. Look for simple ways to drink more throughout the day & make sure you're adequately replenished before, during & after workouts. 

Eat Lots Of Plants 
I don't mean go vegan, that seems a little intimating however 'eat lots of plants' is a simple goal that can make a huge different. Fresh fruit & vegetables are great for your body & make you feel great as well! 

Content That Makes You Laugh 
From relieving stress & pain to boosting our immune system, laughter is really the best medicine. That's why consuming content, like listening to a funny Podcast, could significantly improve your overall wellness, especially if you make it a regular habit. 

Herbal Teas
Sipping herbal teas is a great way to stay hydrated. Herbal teas can be helpful for everything from managing headaches, soothing anxiety & reducing bloating after a big meal. If you feel dehydrated, feel sleep-deprived or over-caffeinated, drinking more tea is a healthy goal to aim for. 

Gratitude & Journaling
Practicing gratitude & journaling doesn't just feel good, it has lots of benefits for your wellness. There is lots of simple ways to do this & keeping a daily gratitude journal is one popular method. Perhaps adding another task to your daily routine is too overwhelming, consider writing a gratitude letter in 2021. Think of someone in your life who deserves it & write from your heart. 

Call A Long Distance Loved One Once A Month
These days, phone calls are one of the safest ways to stay in touch with our loved ones & it's so good for us. I'm setting this small goal for 2021 because not only is it good for us, it's so great for our loved ones too. 

B x 

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