13 October 2016

Self Love & Self Care

I'm so excited to be finally sharing this post with you. Self love & self care is such a big part of my life & I believe that it should be a big part of your life too.

I wanted to quickly take this opportunity to talk to you guys about one of my all time favourite people. Rhian HY is a YouTube content creator & blogger. The more I learn about Rhian, her lifestyle, values & beliefs etc, the more I realise how similar we are in all aspects of life. While brainstorming up ideas for this post, Rhian actually uploaded her 'Self Love & Self Care Checklist' over on her YouTube channel. Rhain talked about the ten things that she has on her self love & self care checklist, I'd love it if you would go check out her video, it is so encouraging & inspiring. Rhian is one of my biggest inspirations & I couldn't recommend her & her content enough!

I'm going to talk about the five things that I've have on my self love & self care list. Looking after myself mentally & physically is so important to me & these are the ways that I'm currently doing that. These are subject to change because I love trying out new, seeing what works & doesn't work but if you are wanting some more ideas I could do another post or feel free to go over & have a look at Rhian's video.

No.001: Mediation hasn't been a part of my life for long but I feel like it's such a big part of my life now. I wasn't sure how it would work or if it would work for me, but looking back now I wish I'd tried it sooner. Whether it's guided mediation or not, it could be just take a step back & giving yourself the opportunity to just take a few deep breaths. Mediation always helps me clear my mind which helps me look at situations & things in my life a lot clearer. Mediation is great because you can do it at whatever suit you best, whether that is in the morning, during a lunch break, in the evening or maybe even in the bath. I encourage you to just give it a go. If you wanted some recommendations for guided mediation apps, I would recommend Headspace & Calm, they are definitely two of my favourites.

No.002: Yoga was something I started incorporating into my daily routine about 12-18 months ago. Again, I wasn't if it was for me but basic stretching has helped my body an incredible amount, physically & mentally. Because of the Chronic Fatigue, my muscles, bones & joints get extremely sore, simple yoga & stretching has been great, although it hasn't reduced the pain it has definitely made me feel a lot stronger. Yoga is something that makes me great & something that I can do purely for myself. I recommend giving it a go, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised on how yoga can effect you life for the better.

No.003: Get out into nature. I find getting out into nature, surrounding myself in pure beautifulness always makes me appreciate the small things & helps keep me grounded. Simple is always good too, if you can't committed to a hike or don't have a beach or river near your home, you can always just get out in your backyard, maybe plant a few flowers. Take the time for yourself & enjoy the fresh air.

No.004: Take time to read. I really enjoy reading although I struggle to find to time to it. Purely because I tell myself that I have more important things to be doing however in reality, if I just took the time to read for say half an hour or so, I could probably be a lot more productive in the long run.
Reading is super simple & relaxing. Take a step way from the online world & your busy life to read something you love, whether that's the current book you're reading, maybe it's just your all time favourite book, it could even be a magazine. Take the time to escape into a world that you never thought was possible.

No.005: Celebrate anything & everything. Whatever it is, celebrate it. Whether you got some kind of work promotion or maybe you managed to get out of bed this morning. Be proud of yourself & don't necessarily wait for other people celebrate it first. Celebrate however you want, it might have a girls night in with your friends, it might going out for drinks & dinner whatever it is, enjoy because you should be so proud of yourself.

If this is all a bit overwhelming, just take a break. I understand how life can get the better of us sometimes. Take a step back & do something you're really going to enjoy doing & that will make you happy. Remember you can't help anyone put on their oxygen mask if you don't have yours on.

These are the current things that I feel when incorporated into my life that I am looking after myself, that I'm creating a life of self love & self care. What are some of your self love & self care things on your checklist? Let us know in the comments!

B x

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