22 December 2015


Forget about the gifts for a minute. To me, Christmas isn't about receiving gifts although gift giving is something my family does like to do.

For me the festive season is about spending time with those who mean the most to me. The festive season is about sharing happiness & cheer with those around you but it's also a time where we can be proud of what we have achieved this year. A lot of us don't take the time during the year to be proud of ourselves. We don't give ourselves enough credit throughout the year, for what we have managed to achieve & accomplish, whether it be big or small. It's all amazing & we should all be incredibly proud of ourselves. And this goes for everyone, whether you celebrate the festive season or not. 

December for me isn't about the gifts, I like to be around those that mean the most to me. I like to reflect on everything that I've accomplished, I want to be positive in this time but at the end of the day, I still think it's important to remember that we are all humans, so we're all going to have our ups & downs, we have to remember that there are people still struggling in this time & thats when our festive cheer is used to help lift other rather than bring them down. 

I want you all to know that I'm incredibly proud of everything you have managed to achieve this year & you should all be proud of yourself to. Let me know what the festive season means to you.

B x

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