25 October 2015


My Pop. One of the greatest men in my life. A 79 year old man with more wisdom than you could ever imagine. He's built his own home with the love of his life, my nan, he's been to war and survived, he's got two of the most beautiful daughters my Mum and Aunty, not only that but he has six incredible grandchildren. And these are only a few of the many things that he has accomplished in his life time and as one of his grandchildren I couldn't be anymore proud of him. 

Words cannot describe how much this man means to me and how much I love him. He was the first man I ever loved. He his my hero, my inspiration and he continues to amaze me. My ole Pop has many of many stories and jokes he likes to share with us all and what a wicked ole sense of humour this man has.

When I was going through the worst of my depression and anxiety he told me something that is going to stick with me for the rest of my life and that was…

"Bon, you just need to do what I do every morning when I wake up. You need to pop you head out from under the covers, take a deep breath in and be grateful that you're alive for one more day."

Replaying what he said to me this particular night still gives me goose bumps to this day and it's something that  has really stuck with me throughout the years. Every day from then on I did exactly that, without fail. Because you know what, he couldn't be anymore correct. Life is a privilege and we need to be grateful for it. I was extremely mentally ill back then and that's something that I have slowly learnt to accept because at the end of the day no matter how bad things in life may be, you're still alive and you still have this absolutely amazing life to make the most of.

Like I said earlier in this post, my Pop is my greatest hero, he has always loved me unconditionally and always been there to support me with everything I do. Words could never begin to describe how much he means to me and the exactly same goes for my Nan. I couldn't be more thankful to have such incredible grandparents around me. I will forever continue to make both my Nan and Pop proud of me, no matter what it takes. 

At the end of the day, the aim behind em sharing this with you guys is that, be grateful no matter what, even for the smallest things. Family, friends, food, water, a home, the fact you can walk and have arms. 

B x 

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